Canny Edge Detection
An edge detection algorithm. Five steps => RGB to grayscale, noise removal, edge detection, edge thinning, and connect weak edges.
OTSU Thresholding
An image binarization. Maximize between-class variance/Minimize within-class variance.
8 Bit Plane Slicing
Slice grayscale image into 8 planes. 1st and 8th planes stand for low- and high-frequency signals, respectively.
Morphological Processing
Be used to enhance features or texture of one image. Four major operations => dilation, erosion, opening (erosion then dilation), and closing (dilation then erosion).
Image Scaling
Two common techniques => nearest neighbor interpolation (NNI) and bilinear interpolation (BI).
Histogram Equalization
Non-linear contrast stretching. To equally make use of all available grayscales in the dynamic range.
Ordered Dithering
An image dithering algorithm, which is characterized by noticeable crosshatch patterns in the resultant image.
Use characters represent an image. Each character stands for one intensity. Thinnest character => lower intensity, boldest character => higher intensity (or thinnest => higher, boldest => lower).