Precise Pose Graph Localization with Sparse Point and Lane Features
- to achieve cm-level accuracy localization, relying only on GPS sensor is not enough
Proposed scheme
- take into account the information from different sensors and a high precision map
- use graph smoother
instead of filter techniques
to estimate the vehicle pose - view the localization problem as
constraints between vehicle poses and landmarks
vehicle node => soft node; landmark => fixed node (fixed nodes will not be estimated)
- motion model
- vehicle pose at time t: (xt, yt, θt)
- with odometry information, the vechicle pose at time (t+1) can be inferred
- motion constraint: oi = (∆xi, ∆yi, ∆θi) between nodes i and i+1
- observation model
- LIDAR data => static grid map => extract feature points by open source blob detector
- in the form of (zt,1, zt,2, …) , where zt,i = (xt,i, yt,i) in the vehicle coordinate system
- the image sequences from the camera are processed to get the offset and heading angle to lane markings
- data assocation
- enable a
multi-modal selector
to find the correspondences (via NNS) - use
scaled convariance method
to deal with false positive data association - after each iteration in the graph optimization, the best associated feature points will be
- enable a
- graph optimization
- assuming the observations are affected by
Gaussian noise
and the data association is known - to compute the best configuration of the posterior over the vehicle trajectory
- each pose node is initialized by a GPS signal
- iteratively minimize the cost function to update the position of pose node until convergence
- cost function inovlves in motion, feature point, lane marking measurements
- solved by Gauss-Newton algorithm and Cholesky factorization
- assuming the observations are affected by
Experiment setup
- four Velodyne VLP-16s are mounted at the four corners of our research car
- camera is behind the windshield and points in the driving direction
- INS/GNSS system is mounted at the car’s center of gravity
- map is provided by 3D Mapping Solutions GmbH
- lane and landmark information are stored in a PostgreSQL database
- experimental results in terms of RMSE:
- lateral:90 % is < 0.35 m
- longitudinal:90 % is < 0.50 m
- heading:90 % is < 0.41 deg